Excuse me, dear Excuse

When I was growing up, still growing though, our primary school teacher gave us an assignment to find out what a doctor who specialized in ear, nose and throat was called.
I got home and asked my doctor who happened to be my mum, though not by profession.
I was disappointed not because she could not supply the answer but because I dreaded the suggestion she gave which was to go ask the doctor in a nearby hospital.
Oh no! Those people scared me. I did not know why.
I realized it when we visited a hospital and my mum asked me to follow her to the doctor’s consultation room.
I shook with fear wondering what was going to happen in there.
Will he ask me questions?
Will he find out an ailment and give me injection or carry out any painful procedure even though I was not the patient.
For all I cared, they were demi-gods who would find out the unknown in you.
To me, they had this invisible masquerade mask which every child should fear and their room did not always have good news associated with it as seen in movies. I was afraid of them, even worse when they wore that white coat.

When she told me to go enquire about my assignment from the doctor, I quickly retorted, “the assignment is not compulsory”
I told her how our teacher was joking when she asked the question, giving every possible excuse not to go visit the doctor.
As my police woman, not by profession still, she insisted.

I thought and thought, then finally dragged myself to the hospital.
I met the receptionist, asked after the doctor and she said he was attending to a patient. Yes, that was an excuse for mum.
I asked the receptionist my question, who told me they were called, “ear, nose and throat doctors”.
I thanked her very very well and hurried home not even thinking twice about waiting for the doctor.
Got home, my “police” said I should go back and wait for the doctor. Busted

I remembered this story because I was sitting quietly in our office and one man just burst in to make enquiries with all boldness, even speaking English like Americana without flinching a brow.
What gave him such effrontery into this place? I thought.
Is here his father’s house?
In my chicken mind, I thought I could compare him to my childhood self.
But it was very clear that he actually is an adult and as an adult, he behaved like one.

Back when I was a child, I thought and acted like a child.
I wanted something but was not bold enough to go for it.
I rather gave all excuses in the world why I should not give a try to finding an answer to my question. What did that earn me? A chance not to add to my knowledge.

On the other hand, this man wanted something as well but did not chicken out at any excuse even though what he came for could not be granted, but he gave it a try. At least he got an advice on a way out.

It happens. Most of us refuse to grow, be it academically, career-wise, spiritually and otherwise.
We allow excuses fill our minds.
We hear things such as,
“No, I was not born with a silver spoon and therefore, the tops are only for the privileged rich” or
“my brain is not as sharp as my mate’s and therefore, I cannot be the best in my class” or
“I do not think I can let go of this evil habit and therefore, I cannot get closer to God” and the excuses go on.
My tutor would tell me, “avoid giving excuses. Whatever has to be done, do it” and I add, “so long as it bears a good cause”

What fear have you, not to proceed on a mission or that idea you are passionate about?
You think you may be disappointed?
You are afraid of taking the risk?
You think you cannot do it or you think the end of the tunnel is also dark?
No. Remember, God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love, power and of a sound mind(2 Tim 1:7).
Do not act the child who placed her fears before her hence achieving nothing, but the man who focused beyond the obstacle of being disappointed and rather got a stepping stone to his dream.


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2 thoughts on “Excuse me, dear Excuse

  1. Really wish to be one of ur opportuned readers.


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